7 Stories

‘7 Stories’ presents the work of seven artists from Kiev, Ukraine. Each artist’s work explores either an everyday experience or, conversely, a desired reality. To the Australian viewer, the artist portray an ‘other world’ – somewhat familiar to us but markedly foreign with Ukrainian, Eastern European, Communist, and Russian influences.

Through these themes, each artist brings a fresh approach to realist painting techniques, drawing on aspects of Western culture without losing their unique cultural views. Exhibiting artists include: Nikita Naslimov, Vitaliya “Vita” Kalmutska, Yura Pikul, Dmytro “Dima” Kornienko, Alexzander Dolgij, Georgiy “Gosha” Potopalsky, Irina Kostyshina.

M16 Artspace
13 November to 1 December, 2014
Australian Capital Territory

Irina Kostyshina, Where I don’t belong anymore, acrylic on linen, 90 x 60cm
Courtesy the artist and M16 Artspace, Canberra

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