Jeannie Baker: Desert Jungle

Jeannie Baker’s vibrant collage works explore the complex biodiversity of the desert landscape, specifically the Sonoran Desert, Mexico. This story follows the journey of a young boy as he grows from fearing the unfamiliar desert landscape to realising it as a place of endless wonder. Baker brings the desert jungle to life with cacti and other plants, forming both subject and material for the author/artist, who incorporates plant clippings in her intricate and stunning works, encouraging us to appreciate the conservation of our unique natural environments.

Jeannie Baker, Desert Jungle #22, 2023, collage: paint, hair, fabric, artist’s clay, 29 × 22 × 2cm. Photograph: Jaime Plaza. Courtesy the artist, Penrith Regional Gallery, Home of The Lewers Bequest, Sydney and State Library of South Australia, Adelaide

State Library of South Australia
15 December 2023 to 18 February 2024

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