ngulu wurneet, galada-al wurrung-u, parniwaru tyalingi, waran woorroong-ee, barringgi dyaling (River of Language)

Co-curated with the Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages (VACL) ‘River of Language’ celebrates NAIDOC, UNESCO’s International Year of Indigenous Languages and the 25th Anniversary of VACL.

An immersive soundscape exhibition, the intention is for viewers to be enveloped in Aboriginal ways of knowing, being and doing, resulting in a deep understanding of the inextricable link between language and culture, land and family. Beyond an entry way marked by spears and shields is an expansive mural depicting Ancestral Creation Beings and honouring Victoria’s 44 language groups.

Brendan Kennedy. Photograph: Thomas Holloway. Courtesy the artist and Melbourne Museum, Victoria

Melbourne Museum
Until 13 October 2019

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