Paddington Art Prize 2016 Finalists Announced

Now in its 13th year, the Paddington Art Prize is a $25,000 national acquisitive prize for a painting inspired by the Australian landscape, a significant contemporary genre with a long tradition in Australian painting as a key contributor to our national ethos.

Artists Craig Waddell and Wendy Sharpe, along with Wayne Tunnicliffe, Head Curator, Australian Art, Art Gallery of NSW are this year’s judges.

Finalists include: Adriane Strampp, Alan Jones, Amanda Penrose Hart, Amber Boardman, Anthony White, Belem Lett, Binny Harris, Catherine Cassidy, Clifford How, Damien Slevin, Danelle Bergstrom, Deborah Hunter Mills, Elizabeth Nelson, Filippa Buttitta, Genevieve Felix Reynolds, Giles Alexander, Guy Innes, Helen Gauchat, Jacquelene Drinkall, James Drinkwater, James Powditch, Jason Cordero, Jasper Knight, Jo Bertini, John Bokor, John Murray, Karen Bloomfield, Kate Kurucz, Leah Thiessen, Leisl Mott, Mathew Lynn, Michaye Boulter, Min Woo Bang, Mitchell English, Mostyn Bramley-Moore, Oliver Watts, Paul Ryan, Peter Smets, Phil McKay, Robert Malherbe, Rodney Pople, Sally Anderson, Sally West, Scott Marr, Sokquon Tran, Stephen Pleban, Stuart Watters, Sue Meyer, Suey McEnnally, Susan J. White, Tianli Zu, Tom Carment, Tonee Messiah and What.

In addition to the main prize, UNSW Art & Design will offer a selected artist the opportunity to create a limited edition print plus a $2,000 prize will be presented to the Honorable Mention recipient and a $1,000 gift certificate from the Sydney Art Store will be presented to the Highly Commended recipient. As well, a selected artist will be given the opportunity to enjoy a 1 week artist retreat at Sofala Cottage. This year, a non-acquisitive prize of $5000 will be offered to a young artist aged between 18-30.

Ross Laurie

Finalist exhibition will be on view at the Fanny Reading Council House in Woollahra, Sydney from 20 to 30 October, 2016. The winner will be announced on opening night, Thursday 20 October, 6-8pm. All paintings available for sale.

2015 Paddington Art Prize Winner: Ross Laurie, Pink Dawn at Weabonga, oil on canvas, 122 x 138cm

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