Tag Archives: book review

Amber Creswell Bell: About Face

In 'About Face', Amber Creswell Bell examines the practices of a diverse canvas of portrait painters in Australia and New Zealand. Emma-Kate Wilson speaks with the author-artist....

Earth & Fire

Earth & Fire introduces the reader to forty-five active ceramicists, their thoughts, materials, and processes when working with their chosen medium....

Australian Abstract

Amber Creswell Bell poses the question, “What is Abstract?” and delves into the practices of forty-one Australian abstract artists to find the answer in her fifth publication with Thames & Hudson....

Liam Benson: Virtue Without Stain

'Liam Benson: Virtue Without Stain' presents sixty-seven images accompanied by essays that contextualise the artist's visual arts practice, which explores issues of masculinity....

Jahnne Pasco-White: Kin

A three-year painting and drawing project by artist Jahnne Pasco-White, which the artist developed during a significant life-changing cycle of pregnancy, birth and new motherhood, is beautifully displayed and documented in this publication titled ‘Kin’....

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