Tag Archives: Jeremy Eccles

Belonging | Tjoritjarinja

Through watercolour landscapes, painted artefacts, drawings, and stories on silk, twenty Iltja Ntjarra artists explore how families are connected through history, place, community and ancestral stories....

Timo Hogan: Lake Baker

Spinifex man Timo Hogan's desert homeland triptych, Lake Baker, is a spiritual narrative of the landscape that documents his ancestral ties to Country: 'That's because it's my place. My father's place.'...

WARWAR: The Art of Torres Strait

'WARWAR' showcases the evolution and strength of Torres Strait Islander tradition and society through a diverse range of works by arts practitioners from the 19th century to the present....

Tarnanthi 2020: Open Hands

Jeremy Eccles reviews the Tarnanthi 2020 exhibition catalogue which captures the vibrancy and artistic depth of the year’s focus exhibition, Open Hands. ...

the moment eternal: Nyapanyapa Yunupiŋu

For over two decades Nyapanyapa Yunupiŋu has worked from the remote community of Yirrkala NT, creating significant paintings, drawings, sculptures and screen-based works. This exhibition charts the evolution of her practice....

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