Tag Archives: Laith McGregor

Laith McGregor: Archipelago

Perimeter Editions, in partnership with STATION gallery, bring us the second title surveying Laith McGregor’s works; a richly illustrated book which features 40 images of McGregor’s works from his Island Drawings and Island Collages series....

Beyond Reason

‘Beyond Reason’ explores logic within imaginative realms such as the fairytale, the absurd, masquerade, animal/human transformation, theatre, satire, anti-fashion and parody. ...


‘S-O-M-E-O-N-E’ takes the dogleg with a mix of fiction and analytic texts amongst full bleed and passport size reproductions of McGregor’s drawing, watercolour and sculptures from the last five years....

Liminal_Narratives: Midwinter Masters

'Liminal_Narratives' investigates the roles of story-telling and narrative - both linear and non-linear - through works created by a compelling selection of established and mid-career contemporary artists....

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