The Chippendale Creative Precinct is calling upon all emerging creative practitioners across Australia to enter the Chippendale New World Art Prize (CNWAP) – a major ten year arts initiative financed by a personal donation of $100,000, by passionate arts philanthropist, Dr Stanley Quek.
The Art Prize represents the advent of a new world where art spreads across all arenas to create new possibilities. Chippendale has undergone a tremendous transformation from its humble beginnings as an industrial suburb to what is now a landscape of creative ventures spanning contemporary art galleries to cutting-edge visual technologies.
Each year the Art Prize takes on a theme relating to a different facet of a new world. The theme for 2015 is Phenomena, much like the vastly intricate communities we live in, it is an exceptionally multifaceted idea. It is not tethered by any singular idiom. In circumnavigating monochromatic classification we encourage creatives and thinkers to expressively investigate and build works which illuminate the multiverse that is Phenomena. To traverse the magnificent creative maelstrom of opportunity inherent in the concept and produce works which push the breadth of the physical, metaphoric and phenomenological definitions of what it means to exist and create.
This year’s judging panel includes the esteemed Director of Sydney’s Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA), Elizabeth Ann MacGregor OBE, renowned art critic and broadcaster, Andrew Frost and the prize’s benefactor, Executive Chairman of Greencliff and developer of nearby lifestyle and dining precinct, Kensington Street, Dr Stanley Quek.
The winner will receive a $10,000, three-month residency on the idyllic Greek island of Kefalonia hosted by the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture. The finalist’s works will also be curated into an impressive exhibition opening on Thursday 9 April spanning several locations in Chippendale including the NG Art Gallery and the Carlton Street project space.
The prize encourages entry in all mediums of art including new technologies. This includes, but is not limited to painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, 3D modeling, animation, digital imaging, film, video, interactive media, motion graphics, photography, light and sound.
Entries for the 2015 Chippendale New World Art Prize open on Monday 2 March and close on Monday 16 March 2015.
Chippendale New World Art Prize
NG Art Gallery