Desert River Sea: Portraits of the Kimberley

Desert River Sea: Portraits of the Kimberley
Edited by Carly Lane, Emilia Galatis and Stefano Carboni
UWA Publishing and Art Gallery of Western Australia

‘Desert River Sea: Portraits of the Kimberley’ charts the progress of a six-year collaboration between the Art Gallery of Western Australia (AGWA) and artists of the Kimberley region. The vision was to strengthen relationships between gallery and artists and to nurture and create a thriving hub for Aboriginal art to flourish locally and internationally. This lead to the creation of an online portal for archiving, professional development for artists and arts workers, and resulted in the recent eponymous exhibition which is documented in this book across a stream of essays by AGWA staff, artists, arts workers and graduates of the leadership program amid a rich display of artworks with each turn of the page.

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