This exhibition sees artists Debbie Symons and Jasmine Targett map critical issues surrounding the environment. Poetically and potently they chart landmarks of anthropocentric disaster that cannot be found on any atlas or world map. This body of work raises critical issues surrounding the subtleties and complexities associated with humanity and its relationship to environmental change.
Latrobe is Victoria’s largest electricity supplier and is home to a substantial forestry industry. The juxtaposition of exhibiting works that communicate deforestation, ozone hole depletion and species loss in this region is a conscious move on the part of the artists, raising awareness, creating discourse and reflecting on industry impacts.
Latrobe Regional Gallery
Until 24 May, 2015
Jasmine Targett, Blind Spot (detail), 2014, Perspex, 120 x 170 x 220cm
Courtesy the artist