Peter Tyndall

Peter Tyndall’s expansive oeuvre is preoccupied with fundamental questions of the construction of meaning, and how art, language, presence, and absence operate in relation to one another in comprehending the world around us. This exhibition charts the development of Tyndall’s philosophical framework from the 1970s to the present with over 200 works: paintings, drawings, correspondence art, and a selection of previously unseen pieces. Highlights include his 130 unstretched canvas paintings from 2018, works on paper from the 1970s, and his 1988 Venice Biennale masterpiece, The Right Angle Giver.

Installation view of Peter Tyndall exhibition, Buxton Contemporary, The University of Melbourne, 2022–23. Collection: the artist and Anna Schwartz Gallery, Melbourne. Photograph: Christian Capurro. Courtesy the artist, Anna Schwartz Gallery, Melbourne and Buxton Contemporary, Melbourne

Buxton Contemporary
Until 16 April 2023

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