​Michelle Maclennan’s ‘A Look Within’

“Michelle not only loves to explore the earth but the inner workings of the human mind. She continues to create, travel and take in present issues all over the country which can be overwhelming at times but proceeds with enthusiasm and extraordinary drive”Toby Goldsmith (artist’s carer and companion)

Michelle Maclennan, A Look Within

Queensland-based artist Michelle Maclennan presents ‘A Look Within’, a range of mixed media works from vibrant paintings to detailed drawings produced over the last 10 years. Her artworks reflect both personal health struggles within the mind and the importance of the environment, highlighting nature’s strengths. The key focus being growth, understanding and the journey forward, but as each mind grows over time so does our natural environment’s fight for survival.

Michelle jumped into the creative industry almost immediately after she was awarded the Encouragement of The Arts Award in 2005, supported and encouraged by many great influences along the way; artists, musicians, framers, printers and photographers. Travelling the South East Coast in a beat up Holden commodore wagon from Queensland to South Australia, with her cheeky Chihuahua, Button Stud and her carer and companion Toby Goldsmith, Michelle has taken in all nature has to offer flooding her imagination with inspirations and ideas – the challenging concepts of time, issues involving wildlife and the environment while fascinated with the human mind.


The Butter Factory Arts Centre
19 to 23 February, 2016
Opening Sun 21 February, 10.30am



Reflections, mixed media, drawing on paper, 97 x 89cm


subscribe@artistprofile.com.au | PH: +612 8227 6486