Chloe Vallance: Step. Float. Fly.

Chloe Vallance presents an exhibition of 40 small, finely detailed, colour pencil studio-based drawings on plywood and colour swatches, which reflect the artist’s everyday observations and perceptions of people and animals. Vallance articulates her definition of contemplation within these works as ‘a long, loving look.’ Often the people are seen to be looking into the middle distance, pausing or walking, each on their own journey.

In this body of work, Vallance presents three movements of the imagination – Step. Float. Fly.

Chloe Vallance, Sway, 2021, colour pencil on plywood, 60 × 29.5cm. Courtesy the artist and fortyfivedownstairs, Melbourne

3 to 28 August 2021

HELP DESK: | PH: +612 8227 6486