Locust Jones depicts a world slowly going to hell through woven layers of stories and images that replicate the frenetic pace at which society consumes daily news and current affairs in a variety of mediums: inboxes, radio waves, internet.
Filtering the world news through his own personal lens, ‘Waiting for news’ comprises ten lightboxes and numerous smaller drawings reflecting current times, from political assassinations, wildfires in the U.S., military operations, and COVID-19 outbreaks, restrictions and vaccine rollouts, to a record temperature reading of 52 degrees in Death Valley – ‘Whoa’.

Locust Jones, Waiting for News (detail), light box – Galkyd, pigment, pencil, ink, shellac, oil bar on multiple layers of photographic backlit film, 75 × 75 × 13cm. Courtesy the artist and Bett Gallery Hobart, Tasmania
Bett Gallery Hobart
31 July to 21 August 2021