
Here, the cycle of breathing serves as a framework through which a wide array of experiences, behaviours and expressions are examined.

Artists Zoë Bastin, Andy Butler, David Cross, Bronwyn Hack, Amrita Hepi with Honey Long and Prue Stent, Christopher Langton, Eugenia Lim, James Nguyen, and Steven Rhall investigate the possibilities of the inflatable through participatory works that offer new forms of Covid-safe intimacy, audio that draws parallels between ASMR breath and the ecological destruction of glaciers melting, and video of convulsing bodies that morph with inflatable objects.

Zoë Bastin, Enough, 2021, HD video with audio, 04:47 minutes. Courtesy the artist and Deakin University Art Gallery, Melbourne

Deakin University Art Gallery
18 April to 9 June 2023

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