We Are Electric: Extraction, Extinction and Post-Carbon Futures

Explore energy: its bodily and planetary flows, the politics of its extraction and exchange, and its inextricable connection to human evolution and industrial expansion. Here, artists centre eco-critical conversations around energy futures and extinction, raising questions around pathways to decarbonisation as works harness renewable energy resources such as solar power, attract electromagnetic forces and ambient currents, and evoke the sacred energy fields of ancestral Country. They register and articulate weather patterns, act as a material witness, channel soundings of the Earth, and challenge narratives of human supremacy.

Eglé Budvytytè, Songs from the compost: mutating bodies, imploding stars (still), 2020, 4k video, colour and sound. Courtesy the artist, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and UQ Art Museum, Queensland

UQ Art Museum
14 February to 24 June 2023

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