Lu Yang: Screen Bodies

Lu Yang is one of the most highly acclaimed new media artists in China today who works across a range of digital forms, from motion capture performances to video games, 3D animation, virtual reality, and augmented reality.

Themes of Japanese manga, science fiction, Buddhist philosophy and iconography, and the neurosciences populate Yang’s unique multi-media worlds. The variety of screen bodies that inhabit them, from gender-neutral avatars to “digital grotesques”, can be simultaneously psychedelic and inviting, entertaining and confronting.

The exhibition features a selection of Yang’s video and game artworks that spans his career so far, including Cancer Baby, 2014, Delusional Mandala, 2015, and his more recent Doku: Digital Alaya, 2021. Venture into the back of the gallery to play one of Yang’s computer games, The Great Adventure of Material World, 2020, for yourself.

Lu Yang, Digital Alaya, 2021, still from Doku. Courtesy the artist, COMA, Sydney and Australian Centre on China in the World, Australian Capital Territory

Australian Centre on China in the World
29 August to 16 December 2022
Australian Capital Territory

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