Melanie Beresford

For Beresford, the world is in a state of constant flux where loss and rebirth lay close at hand. Her close affinity with materiality and its ability to engage beyond a primary aesthetic level, has led her to explore a range of media throughout her practice.

Beresford explores humanity’s vulnerabilities in her ‘Forest of the Inside’ body of work. She invites the viewer to share in her discoveries and enjoy her whimsical world at times free, sometimes fun and often intriguing where trees are made of human hair and float in space, her family ties dissolve while balloons fly in the sky and women boast bright coloured woolen hair.

Noella Lopez Gallery
Artist of the month, October 2014

Forest of the Inside from the Forest of the Inside series, 2014, human hair and wire, approx. 20 x 20 x 30cm
Courtesy the artist and Noella Lopez Gallery

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