Flora and fauna are the focus of Nicola Dickson’s new paintings for ‘Voyagers’ Tales: Labillardière’. This exhibition is the outcome of a residency in Tasmania where she retraced the steps of French botanist, Jacques Labillardière (1755-1834). Drawing inspiration from his recordings, Dickson explores the rich history of the land with radiant landscapes, soft-hued skies and illustrations of Australian native plants, flowers and animals in fine detail with a palette of earthy brown, red, gold and green tones.

Nicola Dickson, Forty-spotted Pardalote and Richea dracophylla, acrylic and oil on linen, 76 x 91cm,. Courtesy the artist and Beaver Galleries, Australian Capital Territory
Beaver Galleries
10 to 27 August, 2017
Australian Capital Territory