Rites & Rituals

‘Rites & Rituals’ presents an array of Aboriginal art and artefacts from the Gippsland Art Gallery’s collection. The exhibition showcases a range of approaches to art making and represents a dynamic and fascinating journey through time and tradition. The fifteen works on display span from early tribal art including spears and shields, through to decorative pokerwork, dot painting, basket weaving and contemporary art.

Highlights include a pair of dot paintings by Papunya Tula artists Daisy Leura Nakamarra and Narpula Scobie Napurrula; pokerwork shields by Peter and Alex Mongta of the Monero tribe at Cann River; and a pair of contemporary works by Gunai Kurnai artist Steaphan Paton.

Untitled Bark Painting

Gippsland Art Gallery
Until 28 February, 2016

Unknown Artist (Australian Aboriginal, Derby, Western Australia), Untitled Bark Painting, undated, natural ochre pigments on bark, 53.4 x 25.5cm
Courtesy Gippsland Art Gallery, Victoria

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