Strange Neighbour is pleased to present ‘SEX’, curated by director Linsey Gosper and writer Jack Sargeant. ‘SEX’ explores a diversity of sexualities, looking at the realities and fantasies of sex. The works selected shift from documentations of sexual subcultures to artist’s exploring personal desires.
Unrestrained by format, style or medium, the emphasis in ‘SEX’ is exploration and imagination. Presented as both hung works and in display cases, the exhibition offers the viewer the chance to pay witness to, and explore their own interests in sex. Please note: this exhibition contains explicit material and is not suitable for people aged under 18 years.

Strange Neighbour
Until 19 September, 2015

Clinton Hayden, Untitled #2, GLORY (SERIES), 2015, collage, watercolour paper, gold-leaf, acetate, acrylic, pencil, Polaroid, 18 x 25cm
Courtesy the artist and Strange Neighbour, Melbourne

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