Spirit Wave explores spirituality in a diverse and complex contemporary world through works of various mediums: installation, sculpture, drawing, painting, textile and photography by twelve artists: Gary Deirmendjian, Kalanjay Dhir, Jo Ernst, Carla Gottgens, Edwina Green, Beric Henderson, Tom Isaacs, Aaron McGarry, Kathie Najar, Miguel Olmo, Miho Watanabe and Tym Yee. It looks at how these artists interpret ideas around spirituality and create their own hybridised expression of the spiritual while challenging and redefining the official structures and institutions that represent spirituality.
Spirit Wave considers the spiritual space as one of creativity and fluidity and how it drives values and yearnings. The exhibition examines the diversity of spiritual experience within a multicultural society and arts sector and the relevance of spiritual expression through an atheist lens.

Aaron McGarry, A is for Allegory; Part 1: Nature (detail), 2021, video still. Courtesy of the Artist
The work above, Three videos A is for Allegory; Part 1: Nature/Poverty/Melancholia, explores the concept of allegory in a contemporary context. McGarry takes the philosophical, moral, and spiritual concepts of Nature, Poverty, and Melancholy to investigate a quest for meaning, connection to soul, and an understanding of the contemporary world.
Art Space on The Concourse, Chatswood
4 May to 28 May, 2023