What’s On NEAR ME


Samantha Hobson: Fracture
Eleven paintings express the development of Samantha Hobson’s new works alongside the artist’s existing and well-known bushfire and reef imagery. Her latest series, ‘Flag Waves / Wave Busts’ are “fractured”, coastal seascapes almost bursting with the visual clamour of a land rights street march! Some works feature the distinctive red, yellow and black colours of the Aboriginal flag; in others, red, blue and shards of white are powerfully strewn across the canvas – a comment on a culture clash within Australia’s colonial history?

FireWorks Gallery
23 October to 28 November 2020


the moment eternal: Nyapanyapa Yunupiŋu.
For over two decades Nyapanyapa Yunupiŋu has worked from the remote community of Yirrkala in the Northern Territory, creating significant paintings, drawings, sculptures and screen-based works. This exhibition charts the evolution of her practice, which challenges the conventions of Yolŋu art making and has established her as an important Australian artist. Virtual exhibition virtualmagnt.net.au

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT)
Until January 31, 2021
Northern Territory


Refracted Reality
A curated selection of responses to the window as a motif or metaphor, a physical barrier that speaks to broader concerns of duality and exchange. In this exhibition the artists’ works are the medium through which ideas pass and bend, echoing questions of privacy, representational fictions in a post-truth era and a renewed interest in both the intimacy and constrictions of interior space in the wake of mass self-isolation.

Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts (PICA)
3 November 2020 to 10 January, 2021
Western Australia


Amos Gebhardt: Small acts of resistance
In his new multi-channel video series ‘Small acts of resistance’, Amos Gebhardt’s hyper-visual palette draws upon impressionistic portraiture, iconography, botanical symbolism, dance and song to tell stories of survival and resilience. By sharing these narratives, the artist demonstrates the ability to override oppressive norms, erasure, ecological harm and consider human and plant diaspora – ultimately welcoming expansive notions of being.

Samstag Museum of Art
16 October to 28 November 2020
South Australia


Joel Crosswell: Real meets the unreal
‘Viewed as a whole, ‘Real Meets the Unreal’ draws out a series of idiosyncratic mythologies, blending biographical events from the artist’s daily life with the deeper mechanics of our psyche and culture. Like Deren’s Meshes of the Afternoon [a 1943 short black and white film], Crosswell offers a brief glimpse into an uncanny world persistently slipping between the real and unreal.’ – Briony Downes, October 2020

Bett Gallery
24 October to 14 November 2020

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