80:20 artist agency offers a new format to the art industry

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Sydney-based artist William Seeto brings a new format to the art industry in the form of a fair and ethical business model: the gallery as an agency run by artists to level the playing field and bring change to an old system.

Courtesy 80:20 artist agency, Sydney

As an artist-run initiative, 80:20 artist agency manages and promotes artists in all media, finds project sites, sells and commissions work, and organises performances, exhibitions, and events while assisting artists through promotion, production support and location of career opportunities. Key goals include independent financing of projects; artists paying a fair commission to the agency and not paying commission on works they sell themselves; and agency artists, team members and stakeholders sharing in agency profits. As Seeto concludes, “this is what makes an artist agency game changing.”

Learn more about 80:20’s model and exhibition program online.


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