Adelaide contemporary art gallery ACE Open has launched a bold new fundraising campaign that will raise $80,000 towards the organisation’s most ambitious project to date: a multi-site, ‘South Australian Artist Survey’, curated by Patrice Sharkey and set to take place alongside the annual SALA Festival in August 2020.

Sera Waters ‘Domestic Arts’ opening at ACE Open, Adelaide, 2017. Photograph: Lana Adams
Three quarters of the target – $60,000 – has already been pledged, thanks to matching guarantees from a duo of generous local philanthropists, Candy Bennett and Edwina Lehmann, and the support of Creative Partnerships Australia’s Plus1 initiative which will double the total amount of privately-raised funds.
In order to secure the pledged funds, however, ACE Open must raise the remaining $20,000 through smaller donations from arts lovers and its contemporary art community before 31 May 2019.

Athena Thebus, Dreaming about you work me up, 2018, installation view at ACE Open, plasterboard, cow hide, neon, dimensions variable. Photograph: Sam Roberts Photography. Courtesy the artist
‘Thanks to Candy Bennett, Edwina Lehmann and Creative Partnerships Australia, this is an opportunity for the community to band together to support a major new exhibition, and increase the impact of their donation four-fold,’ said ACE Open CEO Liz Nowell. ‘We’re encouraging people to join our community as ‘2020 Visionaries’.’
‘For example, we can turn a donation of $25 into $100, or $500 into $2000, which is an extraordinary opportunity for all involved to make a huge impact on visual art in South Australia. Once our target has been met, we will be able to start commissioning new works from some of our most exciting contemporary artists, and we can’t wait to get started.’
Up to ten South Australian artists will be commissioned for the exhibition, presenting a broad review of contemporary art practice in South Australia.
Donations can be made via or by calling (08) 8211-7505.