Anniversary pukulpa. Katu parpakani! (Happy Anniversary. Flying High!) 

With a vision to create employment opportunities for young and emerging Anangu artists from the remote Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands in the northwest of South Australia, APY Gallery opened its doors in March 2018. The gallery and exhibiting artists from the APY Art Centre Collective – Ernabella Arts, Kaltjiti Arts, Tjala Arts, Iwantja Arts, Ninuku Arts, Mimili Maku Arts and Tjungu Palya Artists, as well as Tjanpi Desert Weavers and Maruku Arts are now celebrating the success of their first year with a vibrant display of artworks in the exhibition ‘Anniversary pukulpa. Katu parpakani! (Happy Anniversary, Flying High!).’

Venita Woods, Minyma Kutjara. Courtesy the artist, Tjungu Palya, South Australia and APY Gallery, Sydney

‘We love the business you know. We love being independent in our business pursuits. Anangu have always been hungry for business opportunities and the truth is there is not enough business on the APY Lands. No business means, no jobs. This gallery is bringing new money and new jobs for young people in our communities. And there is no bigger joy for the old people like myself than watching our young people succeed.’ – Witjiti George, Kaltjiti Arts

APY Gallery
14 March to 13 April, 2019



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