Artists for Kids Culture Event | We ♥ AKC

Artists For Kids Culture

This Valentine’s Day and St Kilda Festival Day, Sunday 14 February 2016, spread the love and participate in a special event, ‘We (Heart) AKC’ run by Artists for Kids’ Culture (AKC), focusing on the children and projects AKC have supported over the last 12 months.

The day includes a special performance by Australian performer Renée Geyer (with Charlie Owen), along with a range of activities including performances by recent kids AKC have supported, Tim Tim the Clown, Sketch Booth with Lewis Miller and Ricky Howell (book now), The Love Song DJ Booth and BBQ and Bar.

Supported by Artists and the Arts Community, Artists for Kids’ Culture raises funds to enable arts and cultural opportunities for children living in disadvantaged circumstances through social or economic barriers, who are vulnerable to missing out on basic childhood joys and life enriching experiences. Funds enable participation in the arts and sport, the pursuit of personal goals, access to support and resources. Funds are raised by the generous donation of work from professional artists and continuing patronage of the community.

Artists for Kids’ Culture is a volunteer run charity. It was founded in 1992 by artist, David Larwill, Jo Darval and Bernie Jones, who conducted an art auction to raise money to buy paint for the local kids living in the high rise commission flats in Fitzroy (Near the then Roar Studios). The organisation has raised and distributed over 1 million dollars over the last 22 years.

On the calendar this October is Artists for Kids’ Culture annual auction, held in high regard by both collectors and art lovers. Works included in the auction each year are of a very high calibre and include works by; Lewis Miller, David Bromley, Mick Turner, Mark Douglass, Jenny Watson, Peter Booth, Lisa Roet, Andrew Taylor, Roger Kemp, Sally Smart and David Larwill, to name just a handful. Approximately 60 works are auctioned.


Sunday 14 February, 2016, 2-5pm

HELP DESK: | PH: +612 8227 6486