Curated by architect Jefa Greenaway (designed in collaboration with Sibling Architecture and the Koorie Heritage Trust), Blak Design Matters is the first national survey of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander design, exploring what is Indigenous design and why it matters.
Charting new territories, Blak Design Matters will challenge preconceptions of Indigenous design and showcase the depth of talent. From interior and product design to landscape, architecture and town planning, the exhibition will interrogate how Indigenous design is defined, received and made visible in Australia’s contemporary design landscape.

Arkie Barton (Arkie the label), Dreamtime Bomber Jacket, 2016. Courtesy the artist
This exhibition demonstrates how Aboriginal led design continues to respond to contemporary issues and traverses the design spectrum with innovation and creativity, while paying homage to history and facilitating new expressions of identity and connectedness to culture through design.
Featured designers: Graphic Design – Marcus Lee Designs, Vic; Balarinji Designs, NSW; Galimbaa Designs, QLD; Fashion – Lyn-Al Young Vic; Arki The Label (Arki Barton); AARLI (Teagan Cowlishaw); Interiors / Furniture Design – Nicole Monks NSW; Francoise Lane QLD; Architecture – Carroll Go-Sam (QLD); Dillon Kombumerri, NSW; Jefa Greenaway, Vic; Landscape – Paul Herzich, SA; Jewellery – Grace Lillian Lee, QLD; Haus of Dizzy, Vic; Maree Clarke, Vic. Textiles – MI Art, QLD; Injalak Arts, NT; Babbarra Design, NT.
‘Think of the potential to appropriately and sensitively reference the depth of history that this country too often conceals. Indigenous led design and designers have the tools to give voice to many compelling narratives that our rich culture holds,’ says Greenaway.
Koorie Heritage Trust
21 July to 30 September, 2018