Boundary Strider

Celebrating a provocative fusion of metaphysical transformation and ecological interconnectivity merging mythic universes with the natural world, Boundary Strider presents a group of eleven international and Australian painters: Lukifer Aurelius, Carrie Ann Baade. Oliver Benson, Kim M Evans, Martina Hoffmann, Cameron Potts, Bruce Rimell, Roku Sasaki, Liba Waring Stambollion, Madeline von Foerster and Iain Whittaker, converging in a way never possible before the advent of social media. A deep affinity with nature, coupled with the capacity to imagine a decelerated plural future, grounds and inspires featured artworks; dissolving boundaries between the human domain and the more-than-human world.

Each painted image unfolds as it did in its making, resurrecting imagination, reflection, and intellection.

Madeline Von Foerster, The Message, 2022, oil and egg tempera on panel, 101.5 × 76cm. Courtesy the artist and Wollongong Art Gallery, New South Wales

Wollongong Art Gallery
3 September to 27 November 2022
New South Wales

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