Throughout history the arts have played a major role in recording and reflecting the state of human society and its relationship with the natural world. Indeed, for some historical periods it is only through the arts that we have been able to learn about our past. But sometimes we have also needed the arts to be a catalyst for change, a call to action, a pricking of humanity’s collective conscience. We believe that now is one of those times.
CLIMARTE brings together a broad alliance of arts organisations, practitioners, administrators, patrons and academics from across the spectrum of the arts sector, including the visual arts, music, theatre, dance, literature, architecture, and cinema. The aim of the collaborative organisation is to create a strong arts voice to join with other concerned citizens in calling for immediate, effective and creative action to secure a safe future for humankind and for all life on Earth. In essence, this voice is one of creative ingenuity. It communicates with passion the concerns and desires of people who make and support creative responses and expressions.
The arts can not only show but indeed they can make us feel the very problems that we are facing. They can inspire us to acknowledge that we are part of nature and not separate from it. Creative thinking and expression help us to communicate and understand the rich relationships which exist between all things; for these relationships are what make our world the dynamic, intriguing, challenging and wondrous experience that it is. As key interpreters of this wondrous experience, we believe the arts has a major role and responsibility to encourage the transformational thinking required to move us away from our current destructive practices, and towards the environmental sustainability that we need to protect life on our planet.