
Finitude is a new media work created by Keith Armstrong, in collaboration with Roger Dean, Darren Pack and Stuart Lawson. Consisting of touch sensitive interactivity, 3D moving imagery, moving sculptural objects, lighting and multi-channel sound, this exhibition is complex and experiential: participants recline underneath the work and interact, while other audience members watch the unfolding, computer-generated landscape imagery.

The work explores biology, ecology and techno-cultural landscapes of Australia. Inspired by the outback, it evokes an experience of personal discovery within the landscape. Time becomes less an instrument than a medium, something we collectively inhabit. Our presence in the world becomes tinged with potential, while spectres of ecological damage haunt the unfolding imagery.

Screen Space
Until 26 October, 2013

Keith Armstrong, Roger Dean and Stuart Lawson (with Darren Pack), Finitude, 2013, interaction installation, installation view
Courtesy the artists

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