‘Father and Daughter – Feathers and Threads‘ is a joint exhibition by Hank Spirek and his daughter Amelie Spirek-Richard, showcasing their passion for birds and fabric.
Amelie Spirek-Richard reinvents the classic waistcoat for the modern day. Amelie says, “It is my aim to take traditional luxury suiting material and infuse them with current innovative design. Its old made new and new made well”. Each waistcoat is made to order with the latest designs and fabrics.
Hank Spirek is a professional artist with over 45 years of artistic experience. He first made his artistic name in the United States art centre of Scottsdale Arizona during the 1970’s with a series of bird and animal focused works. He has been exhibiting for the past 30 years in Sydney and the Southern highlands. In this exhibition, Hank revisits his love of birds in this exhibition with a selection of old and new birds in flight done in multimedia and oil works on both paper board and canvas.
“These works cover a considerable spectrum of my impression of the place birds have in the environment. I view them as sublimely beautiful and a graceful display of nature,” says Hank.

Gauge Gallery
17 November to 6 December, 2015
Hank Spirek, Knelling, oil on canvas
Amelie Spirek-Richard in one of her waistcoats
Courtesy the artists