‘I’m here’ by Candy Goldsmith is a staged non-fiction series depicting moments that occurred between two siblings in October 2014 and the months that followed. It takes us into the world of Bonnie who has two brothers with additional needs.
Inspired by a shared moment of beauty and stillness within chaos, mother and photographer Candy Goldsmith felt compelled to bring awareness to childhood mental health disorders and young carers.
‘I’m Here’ shows the struggle and the beauty within adversity and it does so without apology. The work is confronting, honest and undoubtedly necessary as it forces us to look beyond our own constructs and ideas of childhood and brings light on subjects that are often unspoken but are certainly here.
‘Raw’ is a series of portraits by photographic artist, Vanessa Van Houten. A lyrical representation, every subject is a living verse that portrayed a vanished time and revealed a sense of yearning for someone or something that has gone. Together, they have given birth to a melancholic hymn that could only be expressed from profound sincerity. They were universal voices originating from near and far, young and old, naïve and wise, -all encompassing a universal chorus that touches a tender nerve in one’s heart and soul.
‘Raw’ is a collection of images and writings that articulate a delicate metaphor, they convey significant imprints that were etched in the depths of the living spirit. They awaken the core of our senses and bring us closer to the world of unspoken words and unshed tears. They are mute, yet in their silence, they produce an echo that screams through the eyes of the subjects. Everyone’s gaze that radiated from a thousand mile distance was evocative and honest. They invite the viewer to take a closer look at the private sanctuary of human essence, as if in a whisper, they were saying, “Listen – just listen”.
Both exhibitions are part of Head On Photo Festival.
Gauge Gallery
10 to 22 May, 2016
Work by Candy Goldsmith
Work by Vanessa Van Houten