From large-scale sculptural lei to intimate and delicate wearable pieces, the works have been created by Torres Strait Islander communities in workshops run by both galleries on Thursday Island, Saibai Island, Erub (Darnley Island), Mer (Murray Island), Mua (Moa Island) and Badu in early 2017. The artists incorporated both customary and contemporary materials including shells, feathers, seeds and plant fibre through to found and recycled objects, promoting cultural identity, contemporary making, collaboration and creative expression.
Cairns Art Gallery
Until 24 August, 2017
The exhibition coincides with Cairns Indigenous Art Fair – 13 to 16 July, 2017

Segar Passi, Helen Dick, Garee Kaigey, Mary Kaigey, Rita Lui, Beverley Mabo, Helen Mabo and Delina Noah, Messiah Luzab Lera Kaubo Arsir (The whole island of Mer, making things, making lei), 2017, canvas, acrylic paint, thread, synthetic wadding, silk linen, shell, plastic, silver sheet, enamel paint, copper sheet, copper tube, acrylic felt, nylon cord, coral, kulap seed, wongai seed, steel coated wire, 170 x 107 x 12cm (variable). Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. Photograph: Michael Marzik