Established in 1987, the churchie national emerging art prize (‘the churchie’) is a highly regarded emerging art prize dedicated to innovation and excellence across contemporary, traditional and new media genres.
The winner of the 2015 ‘the churchie’, with non-acquisitive prize money of $15,000 sponsored by Brand + Slater Architects, Brisbane, is Michaela Gleave for her artwork Waiting for Time (7 Hour Confetti Work) (2014). The Commendation Prizes, receiving $1,000 each, were awarded to Sha Sarwari for his artwork National Icon (2014) and Tai Snaith for her artwork Portrait of a Sunday Painter (2015).
The Judge, Rachel Kent (Chief Curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney) said “An award like ‘the churchie’ is a great snapshot of what’s going on creatively today around the country. This particular award focuses on artists in the early stages of their careers; to be selected for the award and exhibited at the Griffith University Art Gallery is itself an achievement, and a great position to be in for an artist at this career point”.
At the official opening and prize announcement of ‘the churchie’ 2015, held at the Griffith University Art Gallery (GUAG) on 31st July 2015, the Headmaster of Churchie, Dr Alan Campbell, announced that ‘the churchie’ would enter into a new partnership with Queensland University of Technology Art Museum from 2016 and looked forward to continuing ‘the churchie’s alliance with another prestigious educational institution. Dr Campbell extended the School and Committee’s thanks to Griffith Artworks for their collegiality, professionalism, and dedication to this exhibition over these past 6 years, extending special thanks to the two curators over those years.
Now in its 28th year, ‘the churchie’ continues to grow in profile and significance, making waves for those new at art, and giving a push along at a crucial moment in the career path of new Australian artists.
All 38 artworks from the churchie national emerging art prize 2015 are on sale.
Griffith University Art Gallery (GUAG)
Until 29 August, 2015
Brisbane, Queensland
Michaela Gleave, Waiting For Time – 7 Hour Confetti Work, 2014
Photography by Michaela Gleave