Sex Art and the Dow Jones: Chris Bennie wins Clayton Utz Art Award 2014

Queensland-based artist Chris Bennie was recently announced the winner of the $10,000 Clayton Utz Art Award 2014 for his work entitled, Sex Art and the Dow Jones.

Award judge and 2013 Clayton Utz [LAUNCH] Art Award winner Sebastian Di Mauro described the work as “witty, evocative and provocative, playful, romantic and banal all at the same time”.

“The photograph compilation of an earthquake disaster in Kobe, Japan in 1995 ‑ also known as the Great Hanshin earthquake – with the text image is a wonderfully metaphoric work, which sensitively and intelligently reinterprets a socially significant event,” said Di Mauro.

Di Mauro highly commended Damien O’Mara for his work River Suit 5, which he described as a “beautiful and enigmatic image, which is poetic and metaphoric”.

Di Mauro also thanked and acknowledged Clayton Utz for their continued support of Queensland artists. “This annual award is very important event in the calendar of arts prizes in Queensland and it continues to attract a very high calibre of practitioner,” he said.

The Clayton Utz Art Award (previously the LAUNCH Art Award) is open to Queensland-based artists or artists with a strong connection to the state. This year’s award received over 200 entries in which 43 were chosen finalists. All finalists‘ artworks will be on display and are available for purchase.

Clayton Utz’s Brisbane offices in Riparian Plaza
Until 25 September, 2015


Clayton Utz Art Award 2014 Winner: Chris Bennie, Sex Art and the Dow Jones
Clayton Utz Art Award 2014 Highly Commended: Damien O’Mara, River Suit 5

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