Tag Archives: art book

Amber Creswell Bell: About Face

In 'About Face', Amber Creswell Bell examines the practices of a diverse canvas of portrait painters in Australia and New Zealand. Emma-Kate Wilson speaks with the author-artist....

Australian Abstract

Amber Creswell Bell poses the question, “What is Abstract?” and delves into the practices of forty-one Australian abstract artists to find the answer in her fifth publication with Thames & Hudson....

Liam Benson: Virtue Without Stain

'Liam Benson: Virtue Without Stain' presents sixty-seven images accompanied by essays that contextualise the artist's visual arts practice, which explores issues of masculinity....

Jahnne Pasco-White: Kin

A three-year painting and drawing project by artist Jahnne Pasco-White, which the artist developed during a significant life-changing cycle of pregnancy, birth and new motherhood, is beautifully displayed and documented in this publication titled ‘Kin’....

Stuart Spence: Yield

Australian artist and photographer Stuart Spence surrenders to the ‘imaginative possibilities’ of photography, capturing a potent tension between the known and the unknown....

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