The same crowd never gathers twice

Featuring new work by Cate Consandine, Riana Head-Toussaint and Yona Lee, alongside significant projects by Taryn Simon, Angela Goh and Laresa Kosloff – spanning moving image, sound, sculptural intervention and performance – this exhibition tests the limits of the “arena”, examining the social and structural architectures that bind these spaces, and by extension, the elastic nature of performance and reality, audience and participant. We are invited to consider our own presence and agency inside the gallery: our role as passive spectators versus the potential for a more active form of engagement.

Yona Lee, Kit-set In-transit, 2020, stainless steel, objects. Courtesy the artist, Fine Arts, Sydney and Buxton Contemporary, Melbourne

Buxton Contemporary
10 May to 13 October 2024

HELP DESK: | PH: +612 8227 6486