Wilson Street Gallery to become Janet Clayton Gallery

Wilson Street Gallery at Danks have announced they will  be changing their name to Janet Clayton Gallery from 30 June. The change co-incides with the opening of the gallery’s next exhibition Sculpture by Nola Jones.

Gallery Director Janet Clayton said that it signals a determination to meet the challenges of a contemporary art gallery in Sydney today. “The move of Wilson Street Gallery to Danks Street in August 2011 has delivered a broader audience for our artists and has placed the gallery in company with some of Sydney’s most respected private galleries”, Janet Clayton said. “We are confident that we can build on this foundation, despite the uncertain art market.”

Janet Clayton said that the gallery’s reputation had grown over the past five years with consistently high quality exhibitions from respected local artists. “These artists are the bedrock of our program”, Janet Clayton said. “But we recognise that in many ways the game is changing. The old guard is passing through, and we need to reach the next wave of collectors. The gallery is beginning to shift ground, and planning for 2013 will introduce some new thinking about how we introduce artists’ work to our customers.”

The new website www.janetclaytongallery.com.au will go live next week.

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