“Young artists don’t hold back” | 2015 Young Archie Winners Announced

The Art Gallery of New South Wales (AGNSW) applauded the next wave of artistic talent with the announcement of the winners of the third annual Young Archie competition on Saturday 22 August, 2015.

As part of the Gallery’s Archibald Prize family-focused activities since 2013, the Young Archie competition fosters and celebrates creativity among up-and-coming artists between 5-18 years old from around Australia, inviting them to create and submit a portrait of someone significant in their lives.

The 1284 entries received across four age categories were judged on merit and originality by leading Australian artist Del Kathryn Barton, Archibald Prize winner in 2008 and 2013, and Victoria Collings, the Gallery’s senior coordinator of education and family programs. Both judges commended the high standard of entries across all categories and the outstanding achievements of the four winners.

2015 Young Archie competition winners are:
5-8 years category:
Daniel Harford, age 7, Horsley NSW
9-12 years category:
Marium El-Hajj, age 12, Arncliffe NSW
13-15 years category:
Ellie Arnott, age 15, High Range NSW
16-18 years category:
Harriet Mitchell, age 18, Narrabundah ACT

The winning works stood out for their richness of colour, their use of diverse materials and the artists’ confidence to fill the whole page.

Del Kathryn Barton said the Young Archie competition highlights the wonderful creative talents of young people. “Young artists don’t hold back. They are very honest with their feelings and this really shines through in their art,” Barton said.

“As well as celebrating the talent and passion of young artists, the Young Archie also celebrates the importance of family. Many of this year finalist entries capture special relationships with parents, grandparents and siblings,” Barton added.

Victoria Collings, the Gallery’s senior coordinator of education and family programs, said, “We are thrilled to see the tremendous level of skill, imagination and creativity displayed by all winners and the outstanding effort, passion and time put into each and every portrait.”

The five finalist artworks from each age category are on display at the Art Gallery of New South Wales. Artworks that received an honourable mention are displayed at the S.H. Ervin Gallery in The Rocks, alongside the Salon des Refusés.

Art Gallery of New South Wales
Until 27 September, 2015

S.H. Ervin Gallery
Until 13 September, 2015

2015 Young Archie winner, 5-8 years category: Daniel Harford, Untitled

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