Belinda Fox and Neville French: Tilt

Collaborating for six years the artists now turn their conversation, of painting and ceramic works, to urgent issues; namely the fragility of life, the marine environment and disquiet the threat to both creates. French explained, “We began our project with discussions about humanity and the plight of refugees that are forced into dangerous situations through circumstance and the lengths people will go to be safe… We all know this cannot end well – the ship is falling… the world is tipping.”

Belinda Fox and Neville French, Tilt 6, 2017, porcelain with brushed oxide and acrylic, 23 x 23 x 45cm, 18 x 16 x 30cm. Courtesy the artists and Manly Art Gallery & Museum, Sydney

Manly Art Gallery & Museum
Until 3 September, 2017

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