Brian Robinson blends traditional and contemporary iconography and materiality in his bold and humorous large-scale prints and sculptures. Intricate dialogues through vivid imagery explore universal themes while celebrating Zenadth Kes culture – each piece combines elements like ancestral narratives, contemporary symbols, and historical references, from eighteenth century explorers to pop culture icons.
This exhibition features five ambitious linocuts, and vinyl prints alongside new sculptures, showcasing the evolution of Zenadth Kes’ spatial practices. Robinson’s art invites audiences to question established narratives and gain a deeper appreciation for Indigenous knowledge systems.

Brian Robinson, Terraqueous: On stranger tides (detail), 2024, vinyl cut, 100 × 200cm. Courtesy the artist and McClelland Sculpture Park + Gallery, Victoria
McClelland Sculpture Park + Gallery
7 December 2024 to 23 February 2025