Georgia Spain: No one tells you how to weather a storm

“Forget about the lost futures, look up, see the clouds and be here now. Typhoon’s coming, volcano’s on its brink, a ripple on the lake. There’s fecundity in the new buds and magnolias in bloom these are the precious things.”
– Georgia Spain.

Georgia Spain, No One Tells You How To Weather A Storm, installation view at Hugo Michell Gallery, 2023. Photograph: Sam Roberts. Courtesy the artist and Hugo Michell Gallery, South Australia

No One Tells You How to Weather a Storm by Georgia Spain has been drawn together by an attempt to capture and convey various emotional states, continuing Spain’s exploration and expansion of paint as the medium of choice.

Spain shares: “I’ve been looking at a lot of abstract painting and while I still see a lot of figuration in this work, I think the ideas have become broader and looser,” she says. “I’m thinking through ideas around abundance, bodies, excess, ruptures, erasure, togetherness, proximity, and action. Plus birth, life and death, of course!”

Hugo Michell Gallery
30 August to 30 September 2023
South Australia

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