HIDDEN: A Rookwood Cemetery Sculpture Walk 2015

Rookwood Cemetery are hosting their annual sculpture event ‘HIDDEN: A Rookwood Cemetery Sculpture Walk‘, with over 40 artists contributing works inspired by themes surrounding the cemetery; including history, culture, remembrance and love. Nestled, or ‘hidden’ within the confines of historic Rookwood’s burial grounds, the exhibition is an outdoor sculpture project that was developed by Rookwood General Cemeteries Trust as a community engagement project designed to promote the work of both emerging and established artists, in an unconventional context.

‘HIDDEN’ steps outside the notion of mainstream galleries and typical outdoor sculpture exhibitions to showcase Rookwood as Australia’s most multicultural site which caters for eighty nine different religious and cultural groups.  Created as a platform for community engagement, and while still remaining respectful of its purpose and place, ‘HIDDEN’ aims to de-mystify some of the misconceptions surrounding cemeteries as dark or intimidating settings.

Now in its 7th year, visitors are invited to share the experience, exploring the exhibition and participating in the public program including historical and curatorial tours. A number of school holiday art workshops will be held from 21 to 24 September and 28 September to 1 October. Children aged 8-16 years will acquire techniques in drawing, print making, portraiture and 3D art creation.

With strong support from their partners, including Sydney Olympic Authority and Peacock Gallery and Auburn Arts Studio, ‘HIDDEN’ will no doubt deliver a fascinating display, very much at the intersection of art, history and imagination bringing new visitors to Rookwood and once again re-populate the cemetery with the living.

Rookwood Cemetery
18 September to 18 October, 2015

Ron Royes, Untitled

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