Jacobus Capone: Double Enigma

Jacobus Capone’s first solo exhibition in Hobart features multi and single-channel video works as well as new large format photographs, objects and artefacts which represent two-years of investigation, durational performances and invocation of the landscape which embrace geological time and confront ecological grief. Capone took water from a glacial lake in Tasmania, boiled it down to a droplet and then displaced the water 78 degrees north in the arctic. The process was reversed with a droplet from an ice-cave ‘released’ in Tasmania.

Jacobus Capone, Double Enigma (intermediate vessels 1 + 2), bottle used to collect glacial lake water in Tasmania, bottle used to collect melted glacial ice in Svalbard, 19 x 5cm
Courtesy the artist and Michael Bugelli Gallery, Tasmania

Jacobus Capone, Double Enigma, installation view. Courtesy the artist and Michael Bugelli Gallery, Tasmania

Michael Bugelli Gallery
Until 31 August, 2018


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