Pick up your knitting needles to help warm up the Canberra Community!

In the lead up to the annual Winter Festival, the National Portrait Gallery (NPG) and the St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn are asking the Canberra community to pick up their knitting needles and crochet hooks to create warm winter scarves to assist people in need through the winter months.

Winter Festival Knit

The donated scarves will form a warming winter installation in NPG’s foyer, which will evolve as donations are received. The scarves will then be donated to support the ‘2016 Vinnies Winter Appeal’ at the Gallery’s Winter Festival on 7 August, 2016. NPG’s Winter Festival celebrates identity, art making and portraiture.

President of the St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn, Warwick Fulton, is pleased to bring further attention to the need for winter woollies through the Portrait Gallery’s Winter Festival. Fulton says, “The time, energy and thought behind knitting a scarf goes a long way for people who are doing it tough and makes receiving such an item all the more special.”

We see an increase in demand for material aid through our Night Patrol service in winter, we hand out anywhere from 20-60 items a night. We also see a high demand for winter materials through our shops and being able to provide Canberrans on low incomes with affordable items to keep warm is really essential.”

Krysia Kitch, Education and Access Manager at the Gallery is delighted NPG is partnering with the St Vincent de Paul Society Canberra/Goulburn. “This is the perfect opportunity to practice your knitting skills and support a fantastic cause”, says Kitch.

“Bring your creation to the Gallery and join us on 7 August, the day of the Winter Festival, when the Night Patrol van will make an appearance for the donation hand over.”

Good quality, second hand scarves will also be gratefully accepted.

A schedule of events will run on the day including; ice sculpting, performances, live music, film, and activities for all ages.

National Portrait Gallery
Sunday 7 August, 2016 from 10am to 4pm


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