Artists from Babbarra Women’s Centre in Arnhem Land curate an exhibition on the theme of Kunmadj, the Kuninjku word used for material culture or woven objects including dilly bags, and fish traps which are referred to as mandjabu. The exhibition theme showcases ancient and contemporary knowledge and reflects the craft associated with the dilly bag which is both a sacred ceremonial symbol and practical object through various screen print designs depicting fish traps and dilly bags in different styles and formats, using all-natural fibres in silks, linens and cotton.
Fish traps and woven fibre dilly bags, made from leaves of the pandanus tree, as well as bark paintings, baskets and fibre sculptures of dogs and Yawk Yawk figures by artists at Maningrida Arts and Culture, are included.
Japingka Gallery
24 July to 26 August 2020
Western Australia