Pat Brassington: Picturing

Pat Brassington’s photographs have seduced audiences for over 40 years, often leaving the viewer searching for a narrative, a solution to the psychological puzzle of familiar forms made strange. Humans seek order and familiarity, we find patterns where there are none, and Brassington’s uncanny photographs encourage this behaviour.

In the diptych, All in a Dream (2020), the jagged cliffs of a dramatic gorge are juxtaposed with a fragmented doll-like figure that floats mid-air, its flesh-like ‘torso’ shockingly inhuman. While there will never be an ultimate ‘answer’ to the puzzle, the photographs provide parts of the solution with each glance – a reward for our time.

Pat Brassington, All in a dream, 2020, diptych pigment print, 115 x 168cm

Bett Gallery
1 to 22 August 2020

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