Closer than they appear

Yavuz Gallery celebrates 10 years with ‘Closer than they appear’; glancing into their metaphorical rear-view mirror as 2020 provides an opportunity to reflect on the past while advancing into the future. The two-part exhibition; the first taking place in Sydney, with the counterpoint hosted in the gallery’s genesis city, Singapore in September, represents a diversity of generations, approaches, and viewpoints. The artists embark on in this spatial journey by exploring understandings of landscape, Country, and location, as well as temporally – evoking life, death, and rebirth.

Artists include Abdul Abdullah, Dean Cross, Marina Cruz, André Hemer, Mella Jaarsma, Yeo Kaa, Danie Mellor, Alvin Ong, Ruben Pang, Fiona Pardington, Pinaree Sanpitak, Manit Sriwanichpoom, and Rodel Tapaya.

Dean Cross, Reflect, 2020, HD video and sound (1920 x 1080), 8’44”, edition of 3 + 2 APs

Yavuz Gallery
30 July to 29 August 2020

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