Marramb-ik (I am)

‘Marramb-ik’ meaning ‘I am’ is an exhibition of comics and cosplay by Indigenous artists whose powerful superheroes and crusaders are an expression of personal and cultural identity and declaring their place in the world. Including artists Lin Onus (1948-1996) creator of Kaptn Koori (1985) and Jade Kennedy whose works depict cultural learning, alongside cosplayers Cienan Muir and Heidi Brooks, the show ventures into the past, present and future of these two mediums used for visual storytelling.

Lin Onus, Kaptn Koori, reproduced from Urban Dingo, the art and life of Lin Onus. Courtesy Bunjilaka Aboriginal Culture Centre, Melbourne

Jade Kennedy, Through the Artists Eyes. Courtesy Bunjilaka Aboriginal Culture Centre, Melbourne

Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre
Melbourne Museum
Until 18 February, 2018

HELP DESK: | PH: +612 8227 6486